




品名:    五金工具、零件袋

材質:    PE一般透明夾鏈袋

尺寸範圍:    寬 85~ 400 mm

長 100~ 500 mm


包裝用途:    五金工具、零件

印刷顏色:    淺黃、灰、咖啡單面3色

條件:    1.難套色















品名:    通用袋

材質:    PE一般透明夾鏈袋

尺寸範圍:    寬 50~ 170 mm

長 70~ 240 mm

厚 0.05~0.08 mm

包裝用途:    美容、通用包裝

印刷顏色:    紅、粉紅單面2色

條件:    ?














品名:    BB彈袋

材質:    PE一般透明夾鏈袋

尺寸範圍:    寬 100 ~ 350 mm

長 140 ~ 400 mm

厚 0.06 ~ 0.1 mm

包裝用途:    BB彈

印刷顏色:    白、黑、紅單面3色

條件:    1.夾鏈下中央打一洞2m/m
















品名:    贈品袋

材質:    PE一般透明夾鏈袋

尺寸範圍:    寬 140~ 450 mm

長 200~ 550 mm

厚 0.05~0.12 mm

包裝用途:    眼鏡、資料、贈品

印刷顏色:    黃、藍單面2色

條件:    ?














品名:    BB彈袋

材質:    PE一般透明夾鏈袋

尺寸範圍:    寬 100~ 350 mm

長 120~ 400 mm

厚 0.055~0.1 mm

包裝用途:    BB彈

印刷顏色:    白、藍、黑單面3色

條件:    1. 夾鏈下中央打一洞















品名:    BB彈袋

材質:    PE一般透明夾鏈袋

尺寸範圍:    寬 120~ 350 mm

長 140 ~ 400 mm

厚 0.06 ~ 0.1 mm

包裝用途:    BB彈

印刷顏色:    白、黑、紅單面3色

條件:    1.夾鏈下中央打一洞2m/m





















  1. 尺寸標準化:規格袋的尺寸通常是根據行業標準或特定產品類型而設計的,這使得它們在不同廠商之間具有互換性,方便了供應鏈管理和包裝設計。

  2. 形狀多樣:儘管規格袋的形狀在某種程度上受到標準化要求的限制,但仍然可以根據具體需求製作不同形狀的規格袋,例如方形、立體、扁平等。

  3. 材質選擇:規格袋可以使用多種不同的材質製造,包括塑料、紙張、金屬箔等,這使得它們可以滿足不同產品的保護和保存需求。

  4. 密封性好:夾鏈袋的設計使得它們具有良好的密封性,可以有效防止內容物受潮、受污染或外部空氣進入。

  5. 可重複使用:許多規格袋具有可重複使用的特性,這有助於減少包裝廢棄物的產生,同時節省成本。


  1. 食品包裝:規格袋廣泛用於食品行業,如咖啡、零食、糖果等的包裝。其密封性能可以保持食品的新鮮度和品質。

  2. 醫療用品:在醫療行業中,規格袋被用於包裝藥品、手術用品和醫療器械等,以確保產品的衛生和安全。

  3. 化妝品:化妝品行業通常使用規格袋來包裝粉末、液體和膏狀產品,以保護其質地和保持產品的新鮮度。

  4. 電子產品:許多電子產品如手機、平板電腦等在運輸和販售過程中使用規格袋作為包裝,以防止刮傷和損壞。

  5. 文具用品:筆、膠水、修正帶等文具用品常被包裝在規格袋中,使得它們更易於存放和管理。



  1. 塑料污染:許多規格袋是由塑料製成的,而塑料製品的生產和處理過程會釋放有害氣體,並導致塑料污染問題。

  2. 廢棄物問題:大量使用規格袋導致了大量的包裝廢棄物產生,這些廢棄物在不當處理的情況下可能對環境造成嚴重影響。

  3. 可持續性挑戰:考慮到對環境的影響,許多企業開始尋找替代材料和包裝方法,以減少對環境的衝擊,例如開發可降解的規格袋或推廣包裝回收和再利用。




  1. 定製能力:儘管規格袋具有一定的標準化特徵,但其設計仍然可以根據客戶的特定需求進行定製。這包括選擇不同的材料、添加公司標誌或產品訊息、調整尺寸和形狀等。

  2. 印刷技術:規格袋通常使用印刷技術在袋子表面加印商標、產品資訊等。現代印刷技術使得在規格袋上實現高質量的圖像和文字成為可能,同時還可以使用特殊效果如燙金、凸印等。

  3. 材料創新:隨著對可持續性和環保的關注不斷增加,規格袋的製造商正積極尋找新的材料和生產工藝。這可能包括使用生物可降解的材料、再生材料或可回收材料來製造規格袋,以減少對環境的影響。


  1. 電子商務的崛起:隨著電子商務行業的迅速發展,規格袋作為包裝解決方案受到了越來越多的關注。從商品保護到品牌形象的塑造,規格袋在電子商務中扮演著不可或缺的角色。

  2. 生鮮食品包裝:隨著人們對健康飲食和方便食品的需求增加,規格袋在生鮮食品包裝領域的應用也在擴大。從新鮮水果到冷凍肉類,規格袋提供了一種方便且衛生的包裝解決方案。

  3. 個性化需求:消費者對產品的個性化需求不斷增加,這也推動了規格袋市場向更多元化和定製化方向發展。製造商需要不斷創新,以滿足消費者對於設計、材料和功能方面的不同需求。


  1. 環保可持續:未來,規格袋的發展將更加注重環保可持續性。製造商將會更多地採用可降解材料、再生材料以及可回收材料,以減少對環境的影響。

  2. 智能化技術:隨著物聯網技術和智能包裝的發展,未來的規格袋可能會具備更多的智能功能,如溫度監測、庫存追蹤、產品安全性檢測等,從而提高產品的安全性和管理效率。

  3. 多功能化設計:未來的規格袋可能會向更多功能化方向發展,不僅僅是單純的包裝容器,還可能具備保溫保冷、防潮防曬、防盜等功能,從而滿足消費者對產品保護和使用便利性的不斷提升的需求。


Specification bags are bags with standardized requirements in terms of size, shape, material, etc., and are usually used to package and transport various products. The standardized requirements for specification bags can ensure that the bags can better adapt to the packaging and transportation needs of products, thereby improving product safety, reliability and efficiency.

Key features of size bags include:

Size standardization: Specification bags usually have standardized size requirements, which can better adapt to the packaging and transportation needs of products of different sizes.

Material standardization: Specification bags usually have standardized material requirements, which can better adapt to the characteristics and requirements of different products.

Packaging efficiency: Standardized requirements for specification bags can improve the efficiency of packaging and transportation, thereby saving time and costs.

Product safety: Standardized requirements for specification bags can ensure better protection and safe transportation of products.

Specification bags are usually used to package and transport various products, such as food, medicine, cosmetics, stationery, clothing, etc. Different industries and products often require different specifications of bags to meet their specific packaging and transportation needs. For example, the food industry often requires the use of specification bags made of food-grade materials to ensure food safety and hygiene. In the pharmaceutical industry, specification bags usually need to have specific moisture-proof, anti-static, radiation-proof and other properties to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical supplies. In industries such as stationery and clothing, specification bags usually need to have properties such as transparency, moisture-proof, and durability so that consumers can see the contents of the product and protect the quality of the product. Due to the standardized requirements and wide applicability of specification bags, they are an indispensable packaging and transportation tool in various industries

Specification bags, as a zipper bag with standardized requirements in terms of size, shape, material, etc., play an important role in modern business and daily life. Whether used to package food, cosmetics, medical supplies or other products, sized bags offer convenience, safety and protection. This article will explore the characteristics, applications and environmental impact of size bags.

Characteristics of specification bags
Size standardization: The sizes of specification bags are usually designed according to industry standards or specific product types, which makes them interchangeable between different manufacturers and facilitates supply chain management and packaging design.

Various shapes: Although the shape of specification bags is limited to some extent by standardization requirements, specifications bags of different shapes can still be made according to specific needs, such as square, three-dimensional, flat, etc.

Material selection: Specification bags can be made from a variety of different materials, including plastic, paper, metal foil, etc., which allows them to meet the protection and preservation needs of different products.

Good sealing: The design of zipper bags makes them have good sealing, which can effectively prevent the contents from getting damp, contaminated or outside air from entering.

Reusable: Many format bags are reusable, which helps reduce packaging waste while saving costs.

Application of specification bags
Food packaging: Specification bags are widely used in the food industry, such as packaging of coffee, snacks, candies, etc. Its sealing properties can maintain the freshness and quality of food.

Medical supplies: In the medical industry, specification bags are used to package medicines, surgical supplies, and medical equipment to ensure the hygiene and safety of the products.

Cosmetics: The cosmetics industry often uses gauge bags to package powder, liquid and cream products to protect their texture and maintain product freshness.

Electronic products: Many electronic products, such as mobile phones, tablets, etc., use specification bags as packaging during transportation and sales to prevent scratches and damage.

Stationery supplies: Stationery supplies such as pens, glue, correction tape, etc. are often packaged in sized bags, making them easier to store and manage.

Impact of specification bags on the environment
Although sized bags provide many conveniences in business and daily life, they also have a certain impact on the environment.

Plastic pollution: Many size bags are made of plastic, and the production and processing of plastic products can release harmful gases and contribute to plastic pollution problems.

Waste problem: The extensive use of specification bags has resulted in a large amount of packaging waste, which may have a serious impact on the environment if not handled properly.

Sustainability challenges: Considering the impact on the environment, many companies have begun to look for alternative materials and packaging methods to reduce the impact on the environment, such as developing degradable specification bags or promoting packaging recycling and reuse.

In general, specification bags, as a standardized form of packaging, play an important role in modern business and life. However, we should also be aware of its impact on the environment and strive to find sustainable packaging solutions to reduce the burden on the earth.

When it comes to specification bags, there are many aspects worth exploring in depth, including their design features, production processes, market trends and future development directions. Let’s explore these topics in more depth:

Design features and production processes
Customization capabilities: Although specification bags have certain standardized characteristics, their designs can still be customized to meet the specific needs of customers. This includes choosing different materials, adding company logo or product messaging, adjusting size and shape, etc.

Printing technology: Specification bags usually use printing technology to print trademarks, product information, etc. on the surface of the bag. Modern printing technology makes it possible to achieve high-quality images and text on specification bags, while also using special effects such as foil stamping, embossing, etc.

Material innovation: As concerns about sustainability and environmental protection continue to increase, manufacturers of sized bags are actively looking for new materials and production processes. This may include using biodegradable, recycled or recyclable materials to create sized bags to reduce environmental impact.

Market Trends and Application Areas
The rise of e-commerce: With the rapid development of the e-commerce industry, specification bags have received more and more attention as a packaging solution. From product protection to brand image building, specification bags play an indispensable role in e-commerce.

Fresh food packaging: As people's demand for healthy diet and convenience food increases, the application of specification bags in the field of fresh food packaging is also expanding. From fresh fruit to frozen meats, sized bags offer a convenient and hygienic packaging solution.

Personalized demand: Consumers’ demand for personalized products continues to increase, which has also driven the specification bag market to develop in a more diversified and customized direction. Manufacturers need to continue to innovate to meet consumers' different needs in design, materials and functionality.

future development direction
Environmental protection and sustainability: In the future, the development of specification bags will pay more attention to environmental sustainability. Manufacturers will use more degradable, recycled and recyclable materials to reduce their impact on the environment.

Intelligent technology: With the development of Internet of Things technology and smart packaging, future specification bags may have more intelligent functions, such as temperature monitoring, inventory tracking, product safety testing, etc., thereby improving product safety and management efficiency.

Multi-functional design: In the future, specification bags may develop in a more functional direction. They are not just simple packaging containers, but may also have functions such as heat preservation, cold preservation, moisture and sun protection, and anti-theft, so as to satisfy consumers' needs for product protection and convenience of use. The ever-increasing demands for sex.

In general, specification bags, as a form of packaging, play an important role in business and life. As consumer demands and technology continue to evolve, specification bags will continue to evolve and innovate to meet the different needs and challenges of the market.